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If you’re a single guy and not living under a rock, then you’ve probably heard of the dating or rather hook up app called Tinder. Tinder is basically an application that lets you like or dislike profiles of people by swiping right for “like” or left for “nope”. Tinder lets users upload pictures from their Facebook profile and also adds a snippet of information from their profile as well. Although women are on tinder for different reasons, tinder is in my opinion better for one night stands than OKCupid or PlentyofFish because subconsciously, women view Tinder as a “hook-up” app”. The goals of this guide are simple: -Get an attractive girls attention/attraction -Get her number as soon as possible -GET LAID within 24 hours on tinder. Ideally within 2 hours.NOT get a date, not text a girl endlessly and hope she chooses you and certainly, not to go on multiple dates. The facts to remember: There are at any given time, a number of girls that are DTF (down to fuck) on tinder. EVERY attractive girl on tinder has multiple guys messaging them and they are interested in multiple guys as well. Tinder is possibly the most superficial dating app…

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pros and cons of daily sex

We are fortunate to be living in the modern-day and age because we do not have to conform to false morality. Instead, we are encouraged to embrace our sexuality. The era of sexual abstinence is long over. We live in the epoch of sexual openness and empowerment. Nowadays, you are just a few clicks away from everything you have ever wanted to know about sex. The expansion of the BDSM community has made even the information about various kinks available. Now, you have likely already learned about various benefits of sex. But have you tested your knowledge on a daily basis? Some people have sex far too rarely. They disregard (or forget about) the importance of sex on a regular basis due to their busy schedule, thus, neglecting their sexual health. Sex is not an activity you should only do if you have time to spare. If you have been putting it off, you may need to be reminded of the reasons why you should enjoy it daily — not once a week or a few times a month, but every day. Sex Is an Excellent Cardio Exercise Even though the modern world has numerous benefits, there is one big…