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Reasons Why You Should Have Sex Daily

October 4, 2018

pros and cons of daily sex

We are fortunate to be living in the modern-day and age because we do not have to conform to false morality. Instead, we are encouraged to embrace our sexuality. The era of sexual abstinence is long over. We live in the epoch of sexual openness and empowerment.

Nowadays, you are just a few clicks away from everything you have ever wanted to know about sex. The expansion of the BDSM community has made even the information about various kinks available. Now, you have likely already learned about various benefits of sex. But have you tested your knowledge on a daily basis?

Some people have sex far too rarely. They disregard (or forget about) the importance of sex on a regular basis due to their busy schedule, thus, neglecting their sexual health. Sex is not an activity you should only do if you have time to spare. If you have been putting it off, you may need to be reminded of the reasons why you should enjoy it daily — not once a week or a few times a month, but every day.

Sex Is an Excellent Cardio Exercise

Even though the modern world has numerous benefits, there is one big issue all people nowadays face — the sedentary lifestyle. You need to exercise regularly to stay healthy and prevent conditions caused by physical inactivity, and you know it. However, your day-to-day responsibilities may prevent you from working out as often as you should.

Fortunately, you do not have to go to the gym or buy expensive gear to stay in shape. Instead, you can combine the pleasant and the useful and have sex. In case you did not know it, sex is an effective cardio exercise and the one you will enjoy and gladly do. Unlike the traditional workout routines, it will never bore you.

You will need to increase the frequency of your exercises from several times a week to (at least) once a day. However, the results (emotional and physical alike) you will get will be worth the “struggle.”

Explore Yourself and Your Partner

If you think that having sex daily means that you and your partner will grow bored of each other, you should know that it is precisely the opposite. The trick is not to let your routine get you in a rut. Instead of following the same pattern day after day, you need to awaken your adventurous spirit and spice up your sex life on a regular basis.

Daily sex gives you comfort and security, that much is true. However, it also offers endless opportunities to explore your fantasies and your partner’s desires and experiment. The closer you are to one another, the more confident you will feel to enhance your sex life by trying out new things. The discoveries you will make in the process may pleasantly surprise you.

The more often you practice sex, the more curious (and courageous) you will be. You can use the energy you will gain to expand your horizons and move your boundaries. For you, good sex will not be just an expression — it will become commonplace.

Regular Sex Equals Closeness

Although we have emphasized the most adventurous aspect of regular sex, we must not forget about the comfort that comes with it. If you are not into casual sex, you must be seeking closeness with the person you are in a relationship with.

In the process of getting to know your new partner, physical contact is irreplaceable. However, you probably know how awkward it feels to get physical with someone you have just met. Instead of torturing yourself (and them) with “what if” questions, you have to break the ice and cross that barrier.

As soon as you sleep with your new partner for the first time, you will both feel a closeness that only comes from sex. However, if you wait too long to have another encounter, it will feel as awkward as the first time. That is why you should have sex as often as possible. The closer you are physically, the closer you will grow emotionally.

Enjoy Your Time Together… Having Sex

The pace of the modern world we are all destined to may prevent you and your partner from spending quality time together. You may not be able to go out as often as you would want. You may not get the opportunity to enjoy a meal together on a daily basis. However, once the lights go out at the end of the day, you can always dedicate your time to each other.

Sleeping next to one another night after night is likely to get you in a rut. You can grow apart in spite of being side by side in bed. That is why you need to use every moment you have together to keep the spark alive. You do not have to go on an adventure to be in each other’s company. You can bring that excitement to your bedroom every day. Lastly, this is a new way to get to know your partner even more and eventually improve the orgasms that you experience.

Love and Sex: Join the Two Pieces of the Puzzle

We have been taught that sex comes after love. First, you meet your perfect match, just like in a fairy tale. Then, you get to know each other, go out for dinner and movies, have your first fight, make up, and finally, live happily ever after. At least that is what happens in romantic comedies.

However, real life is not a movie. If you have sex with someone after you have fallen in love with them, you risk disappointment. The longer the wait, the higher the expectations. Moreover, connecting with someone on a sexual level is just as important as bonding with them emotionally.

Sex is the most intimate act you can share with someone. It exposes you to them entirely and makes you vulnerable. Instead of fearing that fact, you should take it to your heart because the more intimate you are with someone, the faster you will develop feelings for them. Just like anything in the world, make sure to practice sex with proper precautions, as you don’t want to end up in the hospital for doing it too rough.

Closing Thoughts

Sex is much more than just a random encounter of two people. It is an act of intimacy and closeness, but also an opportunity to explore and experiment. Finally, in addition to providing physical pleasure, it can be a fantastic cardio exercise. There is not a single reason you should not practice it every day.

Author: beautifulleopard215